Forex Bridge provider

Take Profit Tech

Take Profit Technology, often shortened to Takeprofit Tech, focuses on financial technology solutions for the foreign exchange (forex) market, specifically targeting forex brokers. Here's a breakdown of their offerings:

  • Liquidity Hub & Software: Takeprofit Tech provides a platform that acts as a liquidity hub for forex brokers. This hub connects brokers to a network of liquidity providers, ensuring access to a wide range of currencies and competitive pricing for their clients. They also offer pre-built software solutions for forex brokers, including:

    • Easy Multi Account Manager (EasyMAM): This tool allows brokers to manage multiple client accounts simultaneously, distributing trades efficiently.
    • Dealing Desk (Ashira): This software provides a user-friendly interface for forex brokers to manage trading conditions, including markups and leverage, for different client segments.
  • Custom Development: In addition to pre-built solutions, Takeprofit Tech offers custom development services. This allows brokers to tailor their trading platforms to specific needs and branding.

  • Focus on Automation: Their solutions often emphasize automation tools that streamline processes for forex brokers, such as order execution and risk management.

  • Large Transaction Volume: Takeprofit Tech claims to process a significant volume of transactions through their solutions, indicating a large client base within the forex brokerage industry.
