
Match-Trader Technologies

Match-Trader Technologies is a company specializing in providing technology solutions for forex brokers and prop trading firms. They offer a range of products designed to streamline operations, enhance trading experiences, and potentially increase profitability for both brokers and traders. Here's a breakdown of their key offerings:

Forex Trading Platform:

Match Trader Trading platform

What is Match Trader?

Match Trader is a relatively new online trading platform designed specifically for brokerage businesses. Brokers can customize the platform to offer it to their clients.

What can you trade on Match Trader?

The specific details are limited, but Match Trader likely supports various financial instruments, potentially including:

  • Forex currencies
  • Stock CFDs
  • Commodities
  • Cryptocurrencies (availability depends on your broker)

What are the core functionalities?

  • Order Management: You can manage your trading positions with various order types like market orders, limit orders, stop-loss orders, and take-profit orders.
  • Charting: The platform offers charts to analyze market movements. However, the extent of available chart types and technical indicators is unclear.

What are some unique features?

  • Focus on Brokerage Business: Match Trader caters to brokers, allowing them to customize the platform for their clients. This means the specific functionalities and user experience can vary depending on the broker you choose.
  • Social Trading Features: Match Trader may allow you to follow and potentially copy the trades of other traders within the platform (availability depends on the broker).
  • Mobile App: A mobile app is available for iOS and Android devices for on-the-go trading and position management.

Things to Consider Before Using Match Trader:

  • Limited Public Information: There is a lack of readily available information about Match Trader's features, functionalities, and security protocols compared to established platforms.
  • Backtesting and Automation: It's unclear whether Match Trader offers functionalities for backtesting trading strategies or automated trading through custom scripts.
  • Regulation: Since Match Trader caters to brokerage businesses, the specific regulations it adheres to will depend on the regulations of the brokerage you choose.

Before Choosing a Broker with Match Trader:

  • Research the Broker: Since Match Trader is a platform used by brokers, it's crucial to thoroughly research the specific brokerage firm you plan to use. This includes understanding their fees, account types, customer support, and regulatory compliance.
  • Limited Functionality?: Be aware that Match Trader might have a more limited set of features compared to established platforms like MetaTrader 4 and 5.
  • Focus on User Reviews: Due to the platform's relative newness, user reviews and feedback from existing users can be valuable resources to understand the platform's real-world functionality and user experience.

Match-Trader Server License: Prop trading firms can leverage the server license option to offer their traders access to the Match-Trader platform with potentially customized features and functionalities specific to prop trading needs.
Turnkey Prop Solution: This is an all-in-one package for prop trading firms. It includes the Match-Trader server license, pre-configured features for prop trading environments, built-in dashboards for performance tracking, and a CRM system for client management.
Benefits for Prop Trading Firms: Match-Trader's prop trading solutions offer a comprehensive suite of tools to manage prop traders, track performance, and potentially streamline operations within a prop trading firm.