
Fair Trading Technology

Fair Trading Technology: A Forex Brokerage Solutions Provider

Fair Trading Technology (FTT) is a company that provides technological solutions specifically designed for established forex brokers and those planning to launch their own brokerage firms. Here's a breakdown of their key offerings and functionalities:

Products and Services:

  • BrokerTools: This is FTT's flagship product, a modular system that allows forex brokers to create a comprehensive brokerage solution. BrokerTools consists of various components that can be added or removed based on specific needs. Here are some key modules:

    • Back Office: Features include CRM (Customer Relationship Management) functionalities, Client Communication Management (CCM), Reporting tools, and Risk Management tools.
    • Trader's Room: Offers functionalities like payment processing, PAMM (Percent Allocation Management Module) for managing client accounts, and an integrated store for additional services.
    • Partner Management: Manages multi-level Introducing Broker (IB) programs, provides dedicated IB rooms with reporting capabilities, and facilitates asset management through PAMM.
  • Liquidity Providers: FTT partners with various liquidity providers, offering access to a range of forex pairs and potentially other tradable instruments (confirmation needed on the website or by contacting them).

  • Trading Platforms: FTT offers integration with popular trading platforms like MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5.

  • White Label Solutions: FTT can help establish forex brokerages by providing white-label solutions, allowing for customization of the trading platform under your own brand.

Benefits (as advertised by Fair Trading Technology):

  • All-in-One Solution: BrokerTools provides a comprehensive suite of tools to manage all aspects of your forex brokerage operation.
  • Scalability: The modular system allows you to add or remove components based on your needs and growth.
  • Improved Efficiency: Streamline workflows and automate tasks to save time and resources.
  • Enhanced Client Management: Manage client interactions, communication, and accounts effectively through integrated CRM and CCM functionalities.
  • Increased Revenue Potential: Manage IB programs and offer PAMM services to attract new clients and generate additional revenue.