
Current Desk

CurrentDesk offers a comprehensive brokerage management platform designed specifically for forex brokers. While they don't provide a standalone CRM solution, their platform incorporates functionalities for managing client data and communication, potentially eliminating the need for a separate CRM for some users.

Here's a breakdown of CurrentDesk's functionalities relevant to client management:

  • Client Management: CurrentDesk offers features to manage client information including contact details, account details, and potentially some communication history.

  • Communication: Basic communication functionalities may be available, such as the ability to send emails or leave notes within the platform. Integration with external communication platforms is not confirmed but can be verified on their website.

  • Compliance and User Roles: CurrentDesk helps manage user roles and permissions within the brokerage, ensuring data security and compliance.

Focus on Back-Office Operations:

It's important to understand that CurrentDesk prioritizes streamlining back-office workflows for forex brokers. They offer a comprehensive suite that includes:

  • Forex Back Office Suite: This suite offers tools for compliance, treasury, sales, support, KYC (Know Your Customer) management, user roles, client agreements, reminders, requests, reporting, and more.
  • MT4 Integration: Seamless integration with the widely used MetaTrader 4 trading platform streamlines operations for forex brokers.